

The H2020 CSA IM-SAFE project is paving the road towards the improvement of maintenance policies for the European transport infrastructure. The main goal of this project is to support the preparation of the mandate for…

ECTP is pleased to inform you that the registrations to attend onsite its 9th Conference held on December 2-3, 2021 in Madrid (Palacio de Cibeles) are now open.Registrations for online attendance will be available at the…

THE #FIRM21 will take place virtually on 7 & 8 December 2021.Agenda and Registration are available online. The theme of FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting 2021 will be "Innovative roads for everyone's mobility".


The European Commission has launched five EU missions, a new and innovative way to work together and improve the lives of people in Europe and beyond. EU missions aim to tackle big challenges in health, climate and the…

The European Union Road Federation (ERF), the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA), the French Federation for Public Works (FNTP), Routes de France and FIEC have joined forces to produce a…