The overarching aim of GEOLAB is to integrate and advance these key national research infrastructures towards a one-stop-shop of excellent physical research infrastructure for performing ground-breaking research and innovation to address challenges faced by the Critical Infrastructure of Europe.The outcomes will be useful for stakeholders among academia, construction industry and CI asset managers.
Building on the Research note on industrialised construction methods, a multilingual…
The past edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) organised in November 2024…
The University of Auckland is seeking for your contribution to the data collection of…
You can search the ECTP Members per country and per category in the Organisation database.
ECTP was launched by the construction sector in October 2004 to develop new R&D&I strategies to improve competitiveness, meet societal needs and take up environmental challenges. It gathers more than 150 Member organisations from the whole supply chain of the Built Environment.
c/o Burotel Business Centre, 37 rue du Congrès
1000 Brussels