

The Commission and the Portuguese presidency of the EU Council will host the launch event for Horizon Europe on 2 February, with terms for public private partnerships, the legal framework under which the European…

Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas and this is expected to rise to just over 80 % by 2050 (Source: United Nations (World Urbanisation Prospects) and Eurostat). In addition to demographic…

FEHRL, the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories, encourages collaborative research into topics such as mobility, transport and infrastructure, energy, environment and resources, safety and security as…

The Commission welcomes the political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on Horizon Europe, the largest transnational programme ever supporting research and innovation. The new EU research and…

The European Commission invites you to join in the newly revamped Horizon Results Platform, the central pillar of the EC-funded research results “exploitation ecosystem”.The Horizon Results Platform:• Is Free – you can…