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ECTP Workshop on resources and functions of the Metabuilding Platform

On the morning of June 19, ECTP organised a workshop on the resources and functions of the Metabuilding Platform, with 30 representatives of ECTP members present in Brussels. The aim of this workshop was to provide an in-depth introduction to this platform, particularly to its functions and the advantages of joining and actively participating in the community. 

The Metabuilding Platform is the digital meeting place for the innovation ecosystem of the European built environment sector. It brings together stakeholders from the construction sector and emerging industrial sectors such as recycling & circular economy, additive manufacturing, nature-based solutions, and the digital industry.

The platform counts with 333 organisations and 22 clusters, including the ECTP cluster. It allows all the innovation actors in the construction sector to stay updated on latest innovations, find collaboration partners for development or business activities, showcase innovative products and solutions and to get innovation, testing and certification support for their R&D projects.

To achieve this, ECTP organised this workshop led by ECO-WISE, with the support of Metabuilding ASBL and NOBATEK/INEF4, with the aim of guiding the participants through the process of creating and managing their personal and organizational profiles. The facilitators of the workhop also showed how to join the ECTP cluster as well as the main features of its Working Groups, in which the operational aspects of the ECTP Committees will be implemented. The session included short live demos, guidelines and live support to show the participants how to use the platform and how to find innovations, services, collaboration opportunities, test services and facilities. 

The Metabuilding platform is a digital tool used by ECTP to facilitate collaboration opportunities and enhance the networking among the members.

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