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Built4People InfoDay and Matchmaking Event recording & slides available

On the 7th of June 2024, NEBULA organised its second InfoDay & Matchmaking event dedicated to upcoming Built4People calls, with the support of Greenet.

After a welcoming addressed by Inès Elisabeth Kahin and Mohaddeseh Maktabifard from R2M, Anastasiya Yurchyshyna from ECTP presented the Built4People Partnership, in particular its objectives and the community that is being built around it. Eleftherios Bourdakis from CINEA then introduced the B4P call for proposals that will open in September and close in January 2025, and which includes 5 topics (2 RIAs and 3 IAs) with a total available EU contribution of 50M€. Insights on EU contribution per country and participant type from the past calls were also provided.

Access more information on on B4P website here, including a link to watch the recording or download the slides.​